21.03.2025 19h Solidarity and Events Talk

Freitag 21.03. 19h – 0h @Mensa Café – Talk & Djing: Together in Solidarity: about Partys, events and the approach to have a good time and space 4 all! Interactive Workshop and Talk format.
Afterwards “This is our Dancefloor!” Djing & hang out till midnight!
“Solidarity” is an approach that several groups and structures that are part of the cultural center follow. With the format we want to take a closer look of what this implies. How does solidarity looks like in practice, what are questions and hurdles that come up? Four groups give input on their experience and approach and give insight into their practice in an interactive way. There is also space for questions and exchange.
4lthangrund für Alle!
IG Club Kultur
Booster Club
AwA* – Kollektiv für Awareness- Arbeit
Djing by:
DJ Lucy Bacchanal (Booster Club)
subversive süßmaus (Konsens)
subversive süßmaus (Konsens)
is a dj, organizer and activist. As part of the collective Konsens she has organized events and played at various Viennese underground locations and even played at clubs such as Grelle Forelle
Dj Lucy Bacchanal is a VIenna based dj and activist who blends queer, Afro-Brazilian, Latin, Caribbean music music with punk and metal.https://soundcloud.com/lucybacchanal
Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund –WU, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien
for support / door opening for low barrier access call: +4367764307596
Für Unterstützung / Türe öffnen beim Eingang mit weniger Barrieren bitte diese Nummer anrufen.
Wegbeschreibung: https://www.4lthangrund.jetzt/zugang-zu-4lthangrund/
barrierearmer Zugang + barrierefreies Klo vorhanden
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Vereinsveranstaltung von: Althangrund für Alle
Die Veranstaltungen sind aus Mitteln der Stadt Wien | Kultur gefördert. Sie sind Teil des Jahresprogramms von 4lthangrund “Solidarity”.
Die Veranstaltungsreihe “This is our Dancefloor” ist aus den Mitteln der Stadt Wien | Kultur – Musik gefördert.