Talk: Abolish the Family – 4lthangrund


‘What if we could do better than the family?’

Talk: 20.10. – 12h – 14h @ Mensa / Cafe

Author and groundbreaking social theorist Sophie Lewis will introduce their new book ‘Abolish The Family: A Manifesto For Care and Liberation’ (available to pre-order from Verso Books). ‘Abolish the Family’ builds on Lewis’ previous work ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family’ (2019) to introduce a case for a revolutionary approach to relationships both intimate and mundane. As public discussion in Austria comes to be dominated by ‘Bad Feminisms’, this will be a timely (and perhaps outrageous) chance to re-imagine our society.

‘Nobody is more likely to harm you than your family. Even in so-called happy families, the unpaid, unacknowledged work that it takes to raise children and care for each other is endless and exhausting. It could be otherwise!’

Sophie will be in conversation with Jules Joanne Gleeson, a regular performer with local queer comedy troupe PCCC*, notorious interviewer, and editor of ‘Transgender Marxism’ (2021).

12-2pm, October 20th


Cultural Centre 4lthangrund – Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna

Mensa = large building to the right (view towards the main entrance) of the hut

low barrier access + barrier-free toilet available

We recommend wearing FFP2 masks during indoor events. People should come tested if possible. In principle, please come only if you don’t have Covid_19 symptoms.

Association event by: Althangrund for All

The event is funded by the City of Vienna | Culture. It is part of the annual program of 4lthangrund “together for each other!”. It’s part of the “open slot” format, where people can reach out to us if they have a program that should take place at 4lthangrund.

For current Covid_19 guidelines for Vienna, see:

Contact regarding / questions or joining online, etc.: or via +43677 64307596 from approx. 1h before the respective starting time